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5th Starch World Asia
วันที่ : 25 มกราคม 2559
สถานที่ : Sofitel Bangkok Sukhumvit, Bangkok, Thailand
"Value added products from starch processing" "Sugar markets outlook and implications for starch based sweeteners"


CMT’s 5th Starch World ASIA 2016  finally comes to Bangkok Thailand – the global exporter of cassava. Asia contributes close to a third of world cassava production, with sixty percent of output by Thailand and Indonesia.India is fast catching up and is now the third largest cassava producer in Asia.

Vietnam and China ‘s cassava production are also growing in strength with both countries capacity ranging from 8 and 9 million tons a year since 2008.
Value added products from cassava is on the  increasing trend as major food ingredient companies explore  and evaluate advanced research on extracting further values for example fibre and protein.
Apart from Cassava, Asia is also blessed with multiple starch feedstocks including rice, potatoes, wheat, corn and other tuber crops.
How do these alternative starch feedstocks fare compare to cassava ?
With the slowing economy and high production cost, how can China’s corn production compete with cassava ?
What is the main driver for cassava and cassava starch  in the region ?
5th Starch World ASIA is aptly located in Bangkok to bring together expertise from Thai and regional majors that have many years of experience in starch production.
Sign up now and enjoy early bird discounts. Contact huiyan@cmtsp.com.sg for more information